Grace Cathedral
Article | May 8, 2024
Embracing Lent: The Sacred Path to Self-Care and Renewal
Blog|Mikin Macwan
As the Easter celebrations draw to a close, I find myself contemplating the profound journey of Lent that I recently concluded at Grace Cathedral. Lent, marked by solemnity and introspection, serves as an annual pilgrimage into our souls, guiding us toward self-care and spiritual renewal.
During this Lenten season at Grace Cathedral, I fully immersed myself in the rich tapestry of Holy Week services, including Good Friday Noon Day Prayer, Maundy Thursday Noon Day Prayer, Tenebrae, and Chrism Mass. These gatherings provided me the opportunity to accompany Christ through his final days—from the anguish of the garden of Gethsemane to the solemnity of Good Friday at the foot of the cross.
As Easter morning dawned, I emerged from the shadows of Lent into the radiant light of resurrection, celebrating the triumph of life, hope, and love over death, despair, and fear.
My Lenten journey, alongside fellow congregants at Grace, was not merely a religious obligation—I consider it a powerful form of self-care and spiritual enrichment.
By immersing myself in the liturgical worship at Grace, I engaged in practices that stimulated the release of “feel-good” chemicals in my brain on Easter Sunday —endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin . . . you name it!
As a suicide prevention crisis counselor, I prioritize self-care. My commitment to self-care is not only crucial for my effectiveness, but also propels me to lead the Self Care Group at Grace, acknowledging its universal importance for each of us within the congregation. I am thankful to be able to spread the word about Lent in the context of self-care with fellow self-care enthusiasts within the group.
As we journey together through the seasons of the liturgical year at Grace, let us never forget the sacredness of Lent and its transformative power. May we embrace this annual ritual of self-care with open hearts and minds, allowing it to guide us toward wholeness and healing. And may we, like the risen Christ, embody the light of love and compassion in a world that so desperately needs it.
Peace and Blessings,
– Mikin Macwan