Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | November 3, 2023

Congregation Update: Discovering What Matters

Blog|The Rev. Canon Mary Carter Greene

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”
– Margaret J. Wheatly

Dear Grace Cathedral Family,

What do we care about as a community? Our life together in faith is an ongoing inquiry into what matters to us and our faithful engagement with what we care about inspires transformation.

Our community’s priorities are at the heart of our discernment with the three candidates for Bishop of California who are visiting the Diocese of California this week.

Our conversation with the candidates last night demonstrated that the Grace Cathedral community cares deeply about our continued and faithful engagement together.

While the election of a bishop is rare in the life of the diocese, Grace Cathedral’s stewardship campaign is an annual invitation to express what we care about by making financial commitments to the life and work of the cathedral. With the impactful array of worship, programming, formation, and arts events upcoming, this is a critical year for full engagement in stewardship.

We need your help to reach our goals. At present, we are significantly below where we had hoped to be. Compared to this time last year, we are 20% behind in the number of pledgers and total dollars raised.

To be fully engaged with giving, like embracing change, takes courage. And this year’s theme 100% Grace: Courage invites us to live into our discovery of what we care about with courage.

Because of the courage of our community to pledge financial support, our ministries thrive, and people are drawn to Grace Cathedral for faithful engagement, comfort, and inspiration. Making a commitment to stewardship by pledging is itself an act of courage and responsibility to our cathedral programs, to San Francisco, and beyond.

At Grace Cathedral, courage has always meant living from the heart, serving with love, and being a sign of hope in the world. From this courage we act for justice, offer help, and lead bravely. We need courage in the world today, and Grace Cathedral cares about continuing to model and inspire courageous living. Through our stewardship together, we can.

If you have not yet pledged for 2024, we invite you to join us in becoming 100% Grace with courage that inspires transformation.

With gratitude and enthusiasm for what we are creating together,

Mary Carter

The Rev. Canon Mary Carter Greene
Canon Pastor

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