Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | October 31, 2016

Sharing our Stories — Stewardship 2016


“Home is where the heart is” is the theme for cathedral stewardship in 2017. Stewardship season is the time that members of our community share their love of the cathedral with the community, city and world by making an annual financial pledge.

During stewardship season members of our community share what inspires them to feel most at home at Grace and to make their pledge of support.

What does stewardship mean to you?

Stewardship to me is the act of caring for one’s family, friends, congregation, church and environment. You show your love through your actions, attention, financial support, or any concrete act to protect, preserve and promote what is important in your life – like Grace!”

“Stewardship means taking good care of myself, my family, my community and the environment. Supporting Grace Cathedral accomplishes all of these.”

How is Grace Cathedral your spiritual home?

“It has been a shelter from life’s storms, a place for spiritual replenishment – bringing me closer to God.”

“Grace is always ‘there.'”

“Grace is a place amidst the frenetic energy of the world where I feel calm, centered, and able to listen and perceive spirituality: what I call God.”

What are your best memories of being a congregant?

“I was asked at the last minute to read on Christmas Eve. I was terrified. I had a vision of falling over onto the Bishop. However, with the help of friends, everything was fine.”

“Being welcomed when feeling good or feeling bad.”

“Seeing congregants go out of their way to help others.”

Support the cathedral by making a stewardship pledge today.

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