Grace Cathedral
Article | February 9, 2021
The Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress on Labyrinths
Blog|Alina Dennis

The Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress is an Honorary Canon at Grace Cathedral, and a shining star of resilience while the world is focused on restoring physical and spiritual health. Many know Lauren is the energy behind the creation of the labyrinths at Grace Cathedral – her work here sparking a global revival that has resulted in thousands of new labyrinths around the world.
In her new book, The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites our Visionary Powers, Artress reveals how the ancient labyrinth can provide a divine spark for the imagination and ignite our visionary powers for personal and global transformation.
Reviews from The Reverend Dr. Alan Jones and Catherine Anderson for The Path of the Holy Fool:
“The Path of the Holy Fool is a timely reminder that we can co-create the world we live in by learning to use our imagination for good. In this book Lauren Artress uses a mythic story to show us how imaginative processes can open us up to seeing the world in a new way while encouraging us to share our gifts with the world. Dr Artress offers many practical ways for us to become brave citizens of this beautiful planet. She reminds us that if we don’t know where to start, all we need do is step onto a labyrinth and be open to the mythic journey that begins with that first step on the path. We need reliable guides during these times, and this book provides just that.”
Catherine Anderson, Author of Meeting Your Soul on the Labyrinth
“Lauren Artress has long been a pioneer of a sane and compassionate spirituality which is at once both inclusive and deep. In her new book, The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Visionary Powers she brings together a strong spirituality — informed by the classical tradition — with a sound grasp of the strengths and challenges of depth psychology. Her vision of the Labyrinth as a doorway to the divine imagination is exactly right for these challenging times and her focus on the Holy Fool tradition enables her readers to embrace hope as well as the awesome mystery at the heart of things.”
The Reverend Dr. Alan Jones Dean Emeritus of Grace Cathedral
Learn more about Veriditas, an international community organization she founded promoting labyrinth spirituality and community around the world, and discover the finger-labyrinth as a new approach to walking and meditation.
Join us in conversation on Friday, February 12th at 6:00pm for a thoughtful and interactive online gathering with Lauren to discuss her new book, The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites our Visionary Powers.