Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | August 20, 2018

Dinner with Grace at the Mentone

Blog|Nicole Stahl

So many things were special about last week’s DwG! First place has got to be a tie: on Tuesday, it was our “last supper” and fond farewell to lead chef Nicole Sroka, who’s been a faithful part of this ministry for 10 years. We wish you Godspeed on your new journey, dear Nicole! Then on Wednesday, it was a new cohort of dinner guests at the Mentone, a baker’s dozen of residents from the Elm (the other Episcopal Community Services SRO Shari Gardner manages), whom we had the chance to delight with a delicious meal and lively fellowship. We hope to welcome them back again!

The other stand-out has to be the record sign-up for kitchen help — 16 volunteers! How gratifying to see our ministry attract so many eager helpers! Yet still a little overwhelming for kitchen capacity, as well as safety … Sincere thanks to those that offered to reschedule, and two suggestions for volunteers: please sign up early, and think about serving on Wednesday night, when we are typically not over-subscribed. Plus, it affords the opportunity to experience the joy of sharing community with those most in need.

The meal itself was yummy! Chef Nicole and helpers spiffed up the chicken pot pie recipe with Greek yogurt, roasted potatoes, and a dash of red pepper flakes. The residents loved the hard-boiled eggs and feta cheese in the salad. The addition of oats and chocolate chips made the peanut butter cookies even more delicious, and we had plenty! On Wednesday we filled a total of 65 plates, dine-in, to-go, and seconds. The salad was gone, and there was a little more than one tray of pot pie and some cookies left over for snacks the next day.

A big round of applause to all those who made this event such a wonderful experience:

COOK:  Nicole, Anneliese, Mia, Pauline, Sam, Georgina, Sarah, Nanthida and son Ethan, Jessica, Falguni, Jennifer, James, Jim, Angel, Nicole
SERVE:  Wai-Kit, Robert, Rob, Ella, Nicole
REHEAT: Sharon Polledri
DRIVER:  Pam Tormey

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