Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | June 29, 2018

Lectionary Reflection: The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Blog|Peter Grace

2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43

Today’s readings give us vivid images of the God who casts down the mighty from their thrones and lifts up the lowly. As the earthly glory of Saul and Jonathan is brought down, so are two anonymous and humble women lifted up and made whole in body and spirit.  

I am always especially drawn to the woman suffering from twelve years of hemorrhages. The beauty of this story, to me, is that the answer to her prayer comes from Jesus without volition. No words are spoken; the woman feels the effect before Jesus does. The generous divine love he incarnates meets and answers the woman’s need, but his mind is not aware of it until he feels the energy flowing out of him. He says to the woman, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.”

This woman, with her weariness and afflictions and longing for relief, exists inside all of us. But also inside of us there dwells, planted as a seed at our baptism, the healing power of God’s love. As Paul reminds the Corinthians, our love in Christ is made manifest in how we emulate him in our generosity. We have no idea what the ultimate effect of any of our actions may be, but we ask God to help us nurture that holy seed of spontaneous love we carry within us. Let Christ’s truth live in us through every act of unpremeditated kindness. 

This reflection was written by Peter Grace, a congregation member for the past eight years and a 2014 graduate of the Education for Ministry program. He is a facilitator of the Thursday morning Bible study group and a member of our healing prayer ministry.

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