Grace Cathedral
Article | April 2, 2022
Congregation Update: Updated COVID Policies
Blog|Dean Malcolm Clemens Young and Clement Xue
Dear Friends, Every week I thank God for you and that so many of us have been able to gather in person for our regular weekly worship services. Many, many churches closed down during the spread of the omicron variant. We at Grace Cathedral were able to remain open, in large part due to the vaccination requirements that we announced last August.
I had been hoping that we could adjust some of our procedures earlier but a recent large outbreak of positive cases among our choristers has made us very cautious.
The procedures that I outline in this letter will not be permanent. We are always adjusting to changes in public health and we will continue to do so in the future. I’m very grateful for our congregation’s strong support through this pandemic and for your help in trying to make this a reasonably safe environment.
As of today, we will not be requiring vaccinations for sightseeing visitors when they are here during times when there are no events or worship services. As of May 1, we will no longer be requiring proof of vaccinations to attend services and events. We will continue to require people to wear masks however, and continue to encourage all eligible people to get vaccinated and keep up to date with boosters.
At Tuesday night yoga, we will continue to require proof of vaccination but not be requiring masks. We will continue to monitor the health situation as we set policies governing how we gather together.
Finally, I wanted to let you know that the first Sunday for our new Vice Dean the Rev. Gregory Kimura, Ph.D. will be May 1. Please be sure to welcome him. We are very excited about his ministry here. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers today. I am so grateful for our life together.
The Very Rev. Malcolm Clemens Young, ThD
Dean of Grace Cathedral
P.S. Easter Flowers Tribute is a cherished tradition that offers an opportunity to remember a departed loved one or honor a special person with a donation to our Easter Flowers Fund. Give today!