Grace Cathedral
Life's Big Events
Be baptized at Grace Cathedral.
This sacrament in the Episcopal Church signifies full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ.
Infant and Child Baptisms
Baptism is a joyous occasion as we welcome new Christians in our midst, and we are delighted that you are considering taking this important step with your child. We celebrate baptisms at the 11 am Sunday Eucharists.
Grace Cathedral typically administers the sacrament of baptism five times a year. Because infants and children are too young to make the baptismal promises themselves, parents and sponsors (also known as godparents) speak on their behalf. A preparation class is held on the Saturday before the baptisms. Participation is required for parents and recommended for godparents.
We offer age-appropriate materials for school-aged children.
Please register today for 2025 dates.
Adult Baptism
We have ongoing opportunities to prepare adults to enter more fully into Christian life and faith.
Registering Your Baptism
The Episcopal Church recognizes any baptism administered with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
You can be registered as a baptized member of Grace Cathedral if you have been baptized in a church other than the Episcopal Church.
Preparing for Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception
This series is offered for adults who desire to be baptized, confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, and for others who may wish to renew or deepen their faith. It is most helpful to you and the development of the group if you attend the entire series.