Grace Cathedral
Article | October 3, 2018
Grace in the News: A Letter to the Editor
Blog|Brendan Byrne
This morning, our dean, Malcolm Clemens Young, wrote a letter to the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle in response to the surge of pain in our community, nation and world.
“As a religious leader in San Francisco, nearly everyone I’ve recently spoken with has expressed terrible sadness about the testimony by Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh. There are many men in important leadership positions who have for too long excused or ignored abusive behavior as if it were a normal part of growing up. This is wrong. Teenagers and young adults have as much ability as anyone else to act responsibly and to treat others with honor and dignity. We all need to be part of how we change this culture. We especially have to learn to support women as they navigate these challenges. If you have a story to tell, tell it. We need to hear from you. It is the time to seek healing. It is time to insist that every person should be treated with dignity as a child of God.”
The cathedral community also held a prayer service for survivors of sexual violence on Tuesday, October 2. Those in attendance posted their messages of “Why I didn’t Report” or “Me Too” on our “Hashtag Wall” found within the cathedral – and all members of the community are welcome to post their messages and share their stories this week.
You can also find the letter in the full article here.