Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | August 23, 2024

Congregation Update: Sepia Tones Memories

Blog|The Rev. Joe C. Williams

Dear Friends,

One of my favorite things to do growing up was to dig through my grandmother’s cabinets and pull out old photographs. Each time I would open the cabinet door, stacks of albums would tumble out and I was greeted with just the slightest puff of dust and the familiar smell of memories imprinted on thick paper. It was always one of my favorite things to do – I’d spread them out on the floor, ask questions, and watch my grandmother think about these fleeting moments that had been recorded. More often than not, many of the people photographed were no longer with us – keeping their memory alive and speaking their names aloud always made it seem as if they were closer and still a part of our lives.

That’s what I love about photographs. Their ability to make us remember. To think about the past and, sometimes, how the past can shape our future. Photographs can lead to stories, to memory. My family photographs inadvertently led me here, to this place. The conversations were had while remembering, the sharing of stories, and faith. Those moments on the floor with granny, looking at generations of others in that familiar but somewhat different place that was captured in hundreds of aging photographs, made conversations easy.

Here at Grace, we’re embarking on a similar journey. Grace Cathedral’s Congregation Council, our many active ministries, and the Office of the Congregation are happily preparing for Congregation Sunday on September 8 after the 11 am service. Congregation Sunday is an opportunity to meet and socialize while learning about the many ways Grace Cathedral gathers together in ministry and to learn how you can get involved in new ways. Groups are working together to create a slideshow of memories to be displayed that day. I hope you’ll enjoy that stroll down memory lane as you see the completed project.  

There are so many wonderful things happening soon at the cathedral, and I pray you can join us for one (or all!) of these events. The Town Hall Meeting will take place this Sunday at 9:30 am. Join us for a conversation with the Dean and hear updates about cathedral life. The following Thursday, August 29 at 5:30 pm, the Choir of Men and Boys return from summer break. Enjoy music by Seattle composer Jessica French, winner of the 2023 American Prize. Jessica has a rare ability called synesthesia, in which various senses are linked to one another, mainly in the form of colors associated with notes, timbres, and words. The choir will sing her Preces and Responses, painting the service with her unique voice, which has been described as having “lyrical, sweeping lines…atmospheric…shimmering harmonies.” The anthem will be one of the monuments of Western music, the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah.

Memories can be triggered by photographs and places – even smells can make a wave of memories come rushing back. I hope you experience this through photographs of this beloved cathedral and those who contributed to our success through the years, or making new memories by attending a service or event in this sacred space.


The Rev. Joe C.Williams

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