Grace Cathedral
Article | April 21, 2023
Grace Cathedral’s Canon Pastor Serves as Pastor to President Biden’s Event
On March 13, our Canon Pastor, The Rev. Canon Mary Carter Greene, gave the opening invocation at a small gathering for President Biden in San Diego. During their conversation, President Biden asked that Grace Cathedral pray for him and mentioned his abiding affection and respect for the Episcopal Church for our commitment to social justice.
Here is the Prayer of Invocation for an Evening with President Biden:
Gracious God,
Source of all that we are,
Draw our attention to your presence.
For this is no ordinary day.
On this day, at this hour, in this sacramental moment,
we come together giving thanks and asking your blessing.
Accept our thanks for this remarkable gathering, for our hosts, for Megan and Allan and their boys, and hear our deep gratitude for the people who prepared and served the food we will eat, along with all the others who made our being here possible.
As we give thanks, we ask your blessing on each of us, on those in our hearts, those depending on us, and for those who have no one to speak for them.
In this time together, we pray that the needs and dreams of the voiceless and the powerless, as well as our own interests and hopes would be known and met with your favor.
As we gather easily and in safety, keep us ever mindful of this privilege, and enable us and our leaders to end violence and oppression of all kinds.
Finally, we give thanks for and ask your continued blessing on President and Mrs. Biden. Help President Biden and all the leaders of this country to continue guiding us forward with discernment, decency, courage, and hope. Continue to bless our country, that the United States will soon find accord among its people and realize its dream of equity and Justice.
This is no ordinary day, and your presence makes that so.
To the glory of your name for ever, Amen.