Grace Cathedral
Article | August 26, 2018
Congregation Town Hall — What’s next for the cathedral?
Blog|Ellie Bozmarova
This morning, members of the congregation, clergy and staff gathered to hear the results of the Congregation Survey. Thank you to those who took the survey! Here is a sampling of feedback from our 185 respondents:
- 61% of respondents have brought a friend to Grace in the past year
- The top reason for attending services at Grace was “worshipping with others”
- Fill-in answers regarding respondents’ dreams for the cathedral included a desire for even greater diversity in the congregation, greater connection with the clergy and more efforts to engage the wider community.
Carol James from the Office of the Congregation announced Practicing Welcome, a two-part conversation on the theology of hospitality and practical tips on reaching out, taking place on Sundays, September 23 and 30.
Town Hall attendees also heard about the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church from two of our deputies, Ron Hermanson and Christopher Hayes. They described the Jesus Movement and its tenets: evangelism, racial reconciliation and justice and creation care and how these aspects of the Jesus Movement inform how we “do” church. Learn more about the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church.