Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | October 2, 2017

Praying for Las Vegas


A message from our dean Malcolm Clemens Young and Executive Pastor Ellen Clark-King in response to the Las Vegas shooting:

Dear Friends,

Today is a day to be kind to one another. To hold closely those we love. To pray for Las Vegas and for those we know are suffering untold pain. To remember all in our faith that teaches us to be both loving and hopeful people. To live out the beautiful blessing written by Henri-Frédérick Amiel: “Life is short and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel the way with us. So be swift to love, Make haste to be kind.”

Today is also a day to say enough is enough. That we do not want our nation to continue to be defined by gun violence. That we refuse to accept a culture where the gun lobby’s money drowns out the voices of the victims. That we will commit to making our elected representatives know we care about this issue and that we call upon them to act.

We are setting up a shrine at the Haring altarpiece in the cathedral today so there is a place for people to light candles and say their prayers. We will be praying for the victims at all our daily services: 9 am, 12:10 pm and 5:15 pm. We will continue to hold God’s hurting world in our hearts and to work for peace and shalom.

With love,

Malcolm and Ellen


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