Grace Cathedral
Article | May 16, 2017
Welcoming our New Assistant Director of Music
Blog|Benjamin Bachmann
The Music Department is pleased to announce that Christopher Keady will be joining us as the new Assistant Director of Music. Christopher comes to us from Portland, Oregon via the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, where he is finishing his Master’s degree.
Christopher was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, and via his father he is a dual US-UK citizen. Christopher grew up at a warm and familiar Presbyterian church in Eugene, and began singing in the choir there in high school. While in college at Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon, he sang in the choir at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and was an immediate Episcopal convert. Going to Yale to work on his Master’s degree was not only musically promising: he is a self-proclaimed nerd for architectural history, and Yale’s campus has wonderful buildings of all periods. He finds San Francisco just as exciting. Christopher and his husband Dan, who is a mental health counselor, have been married for two years and have two cats: Mr. Peters and Bina. They enjoy cooking for each other, camping and hiking, seeing movies and accumulating books and house-plants.
Christopher will be starting with us in July. Please say hello to Christopher and make him welcome as he begins his time with us.