Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Saturday, May 4 at 11 am

FAQ's for the Ordination and Consecration of the Rev. Austin Keith Rios as Bishop Coadjutor


In general, how should we vest? 

We should all wear Eucharistic vestments, meaning that an alb (a single vestment) is preferable.

If you are in a religious order, or have other religious reasons to vest differently, that’s perfectly fine. No one will be asked to change or turned away. 

This applies to all Christian clergy, acolytes, and banner bearers in procession. 

If wearing an alb is a hardship for banner bearers for any reason, it is fine to wear street clothes. 


And for the Regional Deans? 

Please bring an alb, cincture and a red stole.

We will provide matching copes for the regional deans.   

And if I’m not vesting? Or what should I wear under the vestments? 

Dress to show respect for the occasion and to be somewhat practical.

If you’re processing, there will be a lot of walking, so reasonably comfortable shoes are advised. If you have are in a prominent role, dark shoes and dark socks please, and no denim. 


Where will I be sitting?

Clergy will be seated in the transepts. Reserved seating is somewhat tight and carefully planned. If you are a cleric who is vesting and processing, please sit there. If you want to sit with family, congregants, etc., it would be most helpful if you didn’t vest and process. 

Banner bearers will process in, but not out. After placing the banner in the incoming procession, banner bearers are free to sit with family, congregants, etc. 

Where should I go?

These maps show where to gather.  
Where will the banner stands go? Or what if our banner is somewhat atypical in shape or form?

All of the particular needs for the banners, including precise location in procession and how to place them once you’ve processed in, will be worked out in groups on Saturday morning.

When should I …? 

Please see this schedule for preparations beginning Friday afternoon, and continuing Saturday morning.
Who should attend the principals rehearsal Friday, May 3, at 4:30 pm?

Anyone with a speaking role is required to attend. Others on the planning or transition teams, or with guiding roles in the liturgy are also welcome to be present.

Late, Missed, or Changed Reservations 

If you are a banner bearer and forgot to register...

Please come directly to Gresham Hall (see map) by 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, with the banner, banner stand, and preferably with a white alb and cincture. 

All of the particular needs for the banners, including precise location in procession and how to place them once you’ve processed in, will be worked out in groups on Saturday morning.

If you are registered and are not planning to attend...

Your seat will be given away. At this time, we are no longer tracking cancellations. 


If you need to accompany a youth or service participant...

Please come to the registration table in front of the cathedral church at 9:45 am. 


If you were planning to vest/process/serve/sing...

And are now needing to sit in the congregation, bring your confirmation to the registration table, and you’ll be seated. 


If you forgot to register...

Please come and be ready to be flexible. There will be no special accommodations. However, there will be seating on the plaza beginning at 11:20 am, and there may be seating in the cathedral at the same time. There will be communion for you, no matter where you will be sitting, as we will have communion stations outside on the Plaza as well. 


Where can I keep my belongings?

Vesting rooms will be locked after the groups depart from them.

However, please do not leave any of your valuables unattended for any reason. If you have something of value with you, leave it at home, or in the care of a responsible person. 

Advance Drop-Off 

If you would like to drop of banners or vestments in advance:

Come the welcome desk in the cathedral church only between the hours of 3 and 5 pm on Friday, May 3. You will be escorted to Gresham Hall in the cathedral crypt, and Gresham will be locked overnight.