Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | August 8, 2017

Volunteers Package Meals at Second Stop Hunger Now/Rise Against Hunger

Blog|Tracee Zyla

Grace Cathedral volunteers gathered for the second Stop Hunger Now event on Saturday, July 22 in an effort to help end world hunger in partnership with Stop Hunger Now/Rise Against Hunger. The National Charity League joined in as well.

Many hands make light work: did you know that 40 to 50 volunteers can package 10,000 dehydrated meals in about two hours?

After snapping photos of the group, the Rev. Canon Nina Pickerrell shared her experience. “Holy smokes, all went well. Our youngest volunteer was seven or eight and I believe Rital S. is in her 90s. Yes, we wore hair nets. Yes, the truck was late. Yes, we all had a great time together,” she said.

Sharing in joyful service with our volunteers here made for a successful collaboration with Stop Hunger Now/Rise Against Hunger. We look forward to hosting another meal packaging event in the future and hope you’ll join us.

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