Grace Cathedral
Grace Cathedral's liturgical life is greatly enriched by the presence of trained volunteers in a variety of ministries.
Together, these volunteers sustain the regular rhythms and seasonal celebrations of our liturgical life. Trainings are held periodically throughout the year.
- Acolytes carry the cross, torches, and banners in procession and assist the ordained ministers at the altar.
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparation and maintenance of all of the altar linens and vessels. On a monthly rotation, members spend several hours laundering and ironing linens, polishing silver, and setting up for the weekly services.
Ceremonial Vergers help direct processions for Sunday morning Eucharists, Evensong, weddings, funerals, Diocesan events and special services. We guide readers, preachers, and guests to their places, and help services run smoothly. Furniture placement, the lighting of sanctuary candles, and cleanup are also parts of this ministry.
Eucharistic ministers serve as chalice bearers in the distribution of communion.
The Hospitality Team welcomes visitors and congregation members, passes out service leaflets, takes up the collection, and guides people during communion.
Lectors read the Old and New Testament readings in weekly celebrations of the Eucharist, at Evensong, and on special occasions in the life of the church.
Thurifers process and offer incense, symbolic of the prayers of the saints, in Eucharistic celebrations at the High Altar.
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