Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | July 27, 2021

Calling for Support – Backpacks for Bayview

Blog|Phoebe Campbell

Even if you, like me, graduated eons ago, do you still get a palpable, back-to-school sense of new possibilities as summer wanes?  I especially feel this now as life (at last) reopens. My college-age daughter is counting the days on a calendar to get back to campus. Friends are rejoicing they no longer need to juggle work with homeschooling. Socially isolated children are desperate to see classmates again.

And there are school supplies to buy! Picking out brand new notebooks and pens, plus a backpack in a favorite color to lug them around, is a welcome ritual that helps children feel prepared to learn, easing any inevitable jitters about a new school year—especially after being isolated for so long.

But the cost of supplies adds up quickly and “It is easy to overlook the families who are not in a position to purchase nice backpacks loaded with school supplies.” reminds The Ven. Canon Nina Pickerrell, Owner and Executive Director of Bayview Mission.

Bayview Mission is fully integrated into their community, and Nina says she knows of 225 children at risk of returning to school without needed items. This is not only detrimental to learning; it creates an awkward unease about not “fitting in.”  As a child (or an adult for that matter) there are few things worse.

To ensure every child returns to school with buoyant, fresh optimism, Nina asked if the Cathedral congregation could collect supplies and backpacks for at least fifty children, accompanied by a personalized note.

Each backpack will build confidence, worthiness, and ensure every child feels cared for,” she says.

Working closely with Nina, we created an Amazon wish list of specific items. Fifty bags are achievable, but we need your help.  If you feel so moved, could you please do one or more of the below?  To get them to Bayview in time, our goal is to receive the items at Grace by August 11th

1. Click on this link and purchase requested supplies from the wish list.  When you get to the checkout, choose “Backpacks for Bayview” as the shipping address and items will be delivered directly to Grace. If possible, use PRIME shipping to expedite delivery.  PLEASE NOTE…  Unlike in previous years, we cannot accept items dropped off at Grace in person, even before or after services.

2.  Write one or more of the personalized notes that will accompany each bag.  Email Phoebe Campbell at with how many you are able to write and I will provide names and arrange to collect them.

3. Share details of the drive and the Amazon with friends, colleagues, family, classmates, etc. by email and/or through social media.  Many items are low-cost, all are needed. So even if a person is only able to purchase one or two it will be a huge help.

Most of all THANK YOU!

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