Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Holiday Drive for the Homeless Prenatal Project

Grace Cathedral 1100 California Street, San Francisco

The Congregation Council, Women in Community, and the Office of the Congregation are offering a holiday initiative with the Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP) for families that HPP works with. We...

The Community Preschool 2023 Holiday Toy Drive

Grace Cathedral 1100 California Street, San Francisco

The end of the year is approaching fast, and the holiday season is upon us! Last year all of the preschool children received four developmentally appropriate, gender-neutral toys and a...

Advent Wreath Making

Grace Cathedral 1100 California Street, San Francisco

You are warmly invited to join us on the plaza after the 11 am Eucharist on Sunday for this beloved tradition that marks the beginning of Advent, hosted by the...

Advent Procession of Lessons & Carols

Grace Cathedral 1100 California Street, San Francisco

Greet the new liturgical year, and anticipate the promise of Christmas with Lessons and Carols sung by the Cathedral Choir of Men & Boys. As the first part of the...