Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

It was a delight and blessing to gather with so many members of our community for the 87th Annual Meeting of the Congregation at Grace Cathedral on Sunday, January 29th. Attendance was strong both in-person and online.  

Presiding at the meeting, The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of California, welcomed all gathered, in-person and online, to the meeting and offered the opening prayer, followed by inspired opening remarks about our life together as a faithful community. 

After the nomination of a recording secretary and approval of the previous year’s minutes, reports were offered by The Board of Trustees Chair, Garrett Price, Finance committee co-chair, John Gnuse, The Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm Clemens Young, and Vice Dean, The Rev. Dr. Greg Kimura.  

Online and in-person voting followed the reports. The voting results are below. 

Outstanding congregants were then recognized with awards: 

  • The Rev. Mary Carter Greene presented the Congregation Award to Robert Ward.  
  • Dean Malcolm Young presented the Dean & Chapter Award to Alma Robinson.  

Our time together closed with prayer and singing Amazing Grace with the Boys and Men’s Choir.  

We look forward to 2023 together. 

Board of Trustees 

Phoebe Campbell  

Richard Compean  

Alma Robinson 

Congregation Council 

Megan Bourne 

Evan Deocariza 

Kenn Sparks 

Deanery Delegates 

Christine Bensen 

Ron Hermanson 

Lenny López 

Karma Quick-Panwala 

Erin Weins St. John 

Gabriella Strand 

Regina Walton 

Deanery Alternates 

Christopher Hayes 

Susan Hill 

Stephanie Hoehn 

Joan Kugler