Grace Cathedral
Article | January 30, 2025
Recap of 2025 Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Blog|The Rev. Canon Anna E. Rossi
Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
The Right Rev. Austin Rios expressed delight and thanksgiving for the cathedral community. He also highlighted some of the most important dimensions of the cathedral’s work in in the year ahead, especially how to be a cathedral for the city and for the diocese and also to be a witness for the larger world.
Tobias Keller, installed as the new Chair of the Board of Trustees as of January 1, likewise emphasized the primary work of the Board in fundraising for the cathedral, our programming and ministries; he also underscored the congregation’s irreplaceable share in the financial sustainability of the organization.
Dean Malcolm Young celebrated the advent of the girls’ choir and return of the Cathedral Singers mixed-voice choir, and looked ahead to the pillars of a forthcoming strategic plan.
In recognition of the extraordinary tenure of Canon for Finance Lori Coleman, and her anticipated July 2025 retirement, she was commended by the outgoing Treasurer Anne Casscells and Dean Malcolm Young, and greeted with a standing ovation by the assembly.
Special Recognition and Awards
Dean and Chapter Award: Treasurer Anne Casscells,served as the treasurer of the Board of Trustees twice and worked closely with CFO Lori Coleman. She has been a present and vocal supporter of the cathedral, and has ensured financial stability not only through the annual operating budget process but also in committee leadership.
Office of the Congregation Award: Jim Simpson for his ministry in prayer, welcome, study and service, especially his deeply faithful tenure on the SJWG where he incubated our advocacy programs, (and for lending his extraordinary authorship in helping Dean Malcolm with advocacy position on behalf of the Cathedral.)
We elected representatives to our advisory bodies, and welcomed our new Congregation Trustees, Congregation Council Members and Deanery Delegates and Alternates:
Deanery Delegates
Christine Bensen
Gabriela Conceicao Strand
Christopher Hayes
Susan Hill
Lenny Lopez
Karma Quick-Panawala
Regina Walton
Deanery Alternates
Stephanie Hoehn
Karter Louis
Congregation Council
Roger Doughty
John Evans
Anita Ho
Mikin Macwan
Vincent Spohn
Congregation Trustees
Gay Grunfeld
Tom Horst
Melissa Lee