Grace Cathedral
Article | July 2, 2024
End Slavery for Good: One Step Closer to Justice
Blog|Alma Robinson
In alignment with positions undertaken by The Episcopal Church, Grace Cathedral is supporting efforts to revise the California Constitution to “End Slavery for Good.” As amended in 1974, our state constitution prohibits slavery. And involuntary servitude is prohibited, except to punish crime. Measure ACA-8 was introduced by Assembly member Lori Wilson (D-Antioch) to prohibit slavery in any form, including forced labor compelled by the use or threat of physical or legal coercion. Dean Malcolm Young submitted letters of support for ACA-8 on behalf of the Grace Cathedral.
After approval by more than two-thirds of the members of the State Assembly last year and the Senate in June, the measure will be placed on the November 2024, ballot for consideration by the voters. We encourage you to follow ACA-8, register to vote, and support it in November. During the past six years, the voters in Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, Alabama, Tennessee, Vermont and Oregon have amended their state constitutions to eliminate slavery and involuntary servitude. We can too.