Grace Cathedral
Article | December 3, 2021
Blog|Eva Woo Slavitt
In case you are wondering about the #pridesteps, we have removed it due to wear and tear and our plan is to bring it back in time for Pride Month 2022.
It was originally installed as a decoration to support the 2021 Pride Mass which is a part of our The Vine services. Our plan was to have the installation up for one month. It lasted for six months.
We intentionally chose to use the Progress Pride Flag colors. Eleven colors represent LGBTQIA+ people and with brown and black diagonal stripes, emphasizing the importance of trans people of color. Eleven colors graced thirty-one steps that lead everyone to our front doors of Grace Cathedral also known as the Ghiberti Doors. All are welcome at Grace Cathedral and that is our message to all with #pridesteps.
We are so pleased with the success of #pridesteps and we wanted to share with you some of the quotes and stories from this installation that touched our hearts.
Here are a few great quotes:
“Spirituality should not be at odds with sexuality.” Mikhael812
“When faith spoke inclusivity…” rainbowhubbies
“This made my #queer heart so happy” _ashleycross
“Let’s create a safe world where our children can be exactly who they are.” Luvmargar3t
We also loved every picture shared with us on the #pridesteps. Special shout out to all those dog pictures and we even got a cameo from a famous feline!
So.. we hope you enjoyed #pridesteps as much as we did. We will be back!