Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | October 9, 2020

National Coming Out Day, and a Celebration of Yoga at Grace Cathedral


Sunday, October 11th is National Coming Out Day, a day to honor comingout, sharing our stories, and being seen. 

At Grace Cathedral, we’re celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights with a special rebroadcast of our Online Yoga on the Labyrinth yoga class. Created in partnership with the Live Be Yoga national tour and Yoga Journalthe gentle and restorative hatha class from Darren Main is welcoming and inclusive.  ‍♂️ ‍♂️ ‍♂️ ️‍ ‍♀️ ‍♀️ ‍♀️  



Take the class on the Yoga Journal website

The Rev Jude Harmon, Canon for Innovative Ministries at Grace Cathedral and Founding Pastor of The Vine, shared a message of welcome in a recent interview: 

I hope we will reach folks out there struggling with their gender identity or sexuality, letting them know that they have an ally in the cathedral, and in all progressive Christian churches. I hope people realize that the church can be a safe space to process their own coming out, and that God loves them as they are, where they are, and who they are. 

For announcements of upcoming Yoga on the Labyrinth classes sign up for our email using the Connect with Us link below. Grace Cathedral is proud to celebrate living openly, and excited to return to the mat with you. Om, om, om! 

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