Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | March 6, 2020

Living Faithfully with COVID-19


Dear Friends,

As the number of COVID-19 coronavirus cases increases, the church as a whole, Grace Cathedral included, is still called as a witness to the life and health that God desires for all creation. While that core commitment never changes, how we live into it does. Grace Cathedral will continue to adapt our worship, community life and outreach to express this mission for the world as it is, and in light of the best available public health guidelines.

To implement the diocesan guidelines published this week by Bishop Marc Andrus, and to enhance the healthfulness of our worship, we will make several changes to our celebrations of the Eucharist. These include thorough handwashing rituals before and after the liturgy, as well as mandatory use of hand sanitizer for all communion ministers before the Great Thanksgiving, administering communion and at healing prayer. The consecrated Wine will remain present in worship for reverence only, and not for consumption, save by one member of the presider’s party.

In addition to these practices at worship, we will also examine our approaches to hospitality and food-based ministries to promote the health and well-being of all involved.

We expect that best practice will continue to evolve as we learn more about this disease, treatment and prevention. We are working to anticipate and plan for faithful adaptations to a range of local conditions. Grace Cathedral will communicate significant changes to ensure that you can continue to be part of God’s mission in this place. At this time, all Grace Cathedral services and events are proceeding as planned. Visit our coronavirus page for ongoing updates.

With love,  

The Dean, Chapter and Clergy of Grace Cathedral 

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