Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | August 27, 2018

Welcoming Three New Staff Members

Blog|The Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm Clemens Young

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

I am writing with some very exciting news. After a long process with many excellent applicants we have decided to hire the Rev. Kristin Saylor to be in charge of Christian adult formation at Grace Cathedral. Her first day will be Monday, October 1. She will have one month to work with the Rev. Canon Mark Stanger before his retirement.

Kristin comes to us from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Port Chester, New York, a primarily bilingual Latino congregation. She is comfortable preaching in Spanish, French and German. She served in two Episcopal Service Corps programs in New Haven and New York City.

Kristin attended Virginia Theological Seminary and is married to another Episcopal priest. She grew up in Milwaukee where she is currently training for a triathlon

We will never understand the full effects of our ministry together at Grace. As a young adult convert Kristin was inspired by the sermons of the Very Rev. Dr. Alan Jones and other preachers on staff. Now she is in a sense coming back to one of her spiritual homes.

I am very confident that Kristin will also help us to form new connections and to share the love we know in Jesus. Please speak to either Ellen or me if you have any questions.

We are also welcoming two new colleagues to our professional staff on Tuesday, September 4.

Jack Fagan will join us as Director of Operations. This is a new position at Grace Cathedral with responsibility for facilities and daily operations. Jack has strong operational management experience working in the nonprofit sector, most recently at Hamilton Families. For his entire career, Jack has been working and volunteering for social justice.

Debbie Jasso will join us as the cathedral’s Annual Giving Manager, coordinating many aspects of the cathedral’s rigorous annual fundraising, including congregational stewardship. Debbie has held nonprofit roles in social services and environmental advocacy, and with organizations like the Metropolitan Club and United Religions Initiative. Debbie is a member of St. Francis’ Episcopal Church in San Francisco.

Please join me in welcoming all of our newest colleagues.

May God bless and keep you today!


The Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm Clemens Young

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