Grace Cathedral
Article | May 22, 2018
Celebrating Senior Health
Blog|Tracee Zyla
At 3:24 pm in the afternoon on Saturday, April 21, Grace Cathedral’s inaugural Senior Health Fair, in collaboration with the San Francisco Interfaith Council, concluded. The last table was put away, the final table cloth folded, and the coffee pots returned to the shelves. Our volunteers waved goodbye to our participants and senior guests.
In total, twenty-two agencies and vendors from all around San Francisco joined us to celebrate our seniors. Our fair started with keynote speakers, followed by breakout groups and workshops, and at noon we gathered together for a fresh lunch of healthy soup, salad, and bread served out on the plaza in the beautiful weather.
We gave out goodie bags filled with health and wellness information as well as dental and other supplies to 162 senior guests. We served a free lunch to 145 folks of all ages and SF Marin Food Bank handed out 81 bags of food!
We wish to offer a special thanks to: Cynthia S. Zamboukos, SFIC Program/Administrative Associate, for her administrative and moral support, and our keynote speakers: The Rev. Dr. Ellen Clark-King, our Executive Pastor and Canon for Social Justice; Michael Pappas, SF Interfaith Council Executive Director and Rita Semel, founding member of SF Interfaith Council.
We bow in humble gratitude to our stellar volunteers, with an extra round of applause to Steph and Rob for steering our team! We appreciate each and every senior (and all ages therein) who joined us. And we offer thanks to our participants and vendors who shared their time with us on Saturday all for the cause of helping our seniors live with grace:
Grace Cathedral and the San Francisco Interfaith Council
Sara C. Stephens, RN, Sally Griesbach RN, Marguerite Verhille, RN, & Alicia Sakai, PharmD
SF-Marin Food Bank
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS)
Community Living Campaign
Covia (formerly Episcopal Senior Communities)
Carol James, Grace Cathedral Program Manager offering meditations
Compassionate Community Care
Department of Aging and Adult Services, City and County of San Francisco
Dignity Health
Family Caregiver Alliance
The Healthier Living Project (HL)
Homestreet Home Mortgage
Jay Greene Law Firm
MED-Project Medication Education & Disposal
NEMS North East Medical Services
Physicians Organizing Committee
RTSF Rebuilding San Francisco Together
SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline
San Francisco CASA
San Francisco Department of Elections
Twilight Organizing