Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | March 8, 2018

International Women’s Day


On International Women’s Day, we give thanks for all the compassion and strength that women, famous ones and those unsung, have given the world. We give thinks for our women clergy: Ellen Clark-King, Margaret Deeths, Mary Carter Greene, Nina Pickerrell and Doe Yates. Here is a prayer written by Ellen:

For the World’s Women

Holy Mother,
We are your beloved daughters,
trying and failing to live out your love.

Where we have refused your power and
embraced victimhood,
forgive us.

Where we oppress one another,
turn our hearts.

Where we are hurt and broken by violence,
comfort us.

Where we are oppressed, grant us justice
and our oppressors mercy.

In all places grace us with your presence
so that we may grow into your likeness,
showing joy, love and courage
to our sisters and brothers
throughout your world.

The Rev. Dr. Ellen Clark-King
Executive Pastor

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