Grace Cathedral
Article | February 23, 2018
Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Blog|Carol James
Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, January 21. It’s exciting to come together and remember all that happened during the Year of the Gift, and look forward to the Year of Truth.
In addition to hearing from Bishop Marc Handley Andrus and Dean Malcolm Clemens Young, other congregation leaders such as Board President David Walker, Congregation Council President Jean Krasilnikoff, and Deanery Co-Convener Karma Quick-Panwala shared information about Grace, its people, and its impact on the wider Church, the community, and the world.
We honored two extraordinary congregants. Arthur Yeap received the Dean and Chapter Award for his guidance and mentoring of the Cathedral’s growing technology strategy. Roberta Sautter’s leadership of the Education for Ministry program and her crucial contributions to our liturgical life were recognized with the Office of the Congregation Award.
We elected representatives to governing and advisory bodies, and welcome our new trustees, councilors, and deanery representatives:
Board of Trustees: Herbert Jeong, Patricia Calfee Picache, Mary Wood
Congregation Council: Sarah Benjamin, Alexandra Fraser, Anneliese Mauch, Carlos Enrique Torres, Fred Tsai
Deanery Delegation: Connie Archea, Niall Battson, Joe Garity, Ron Hermanson, Ron Johnson, Regan Murphy, Karma Quick-Panwala