Grace Cathedral
Article | June 9, 2017
Lectionary Reflection: Trinity Sunday
Blog|Carol James
We’ve shared dazzling and surprising stories in our most recent Sunday readings: we’ve stood slack-jawed on a sun-bleached hillside as our teacher and friend ascended into heaven; standing in crowded markets and worship places, we’ve listened as Peter, Paul, and other newly minted leaders have stepped forward and sought to engage their neighbors in a bold and life-giving relationship with God; we’ve been promised a comforter and an advocate, and received roaring winds and tongues of flame. Why do we now turn our attention to the Trinity?
As we navigate so many changes in our world and in ourselves, it’s important to remember that God has a limitless array of ways to reach us, to work with us and within us. I like to think of the Trinity as God’s promise to turn a different face close to us, to meet our need and our yearning wherever we are. God can be the creator of diversity and abundance, larger than our ability to perceive. God can be a dusty companion on the road, jostling along beside us in the streets of the city. God can be a small persistent voice that won’t be silenced during a long and sleepless night.
And we give back to God, through each other, in as many different ways – a poem, a difficult but necessary conversation, a shared meal, an accompanying walk through an unfriendly crowd. To be united is not to be uniform. God beyond us, God beside us, God within us, what is the Trinity saying to you?