Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral

Article | April 28, 2017

Seniors with Grace April Community Day

Blog|Tracee Zyla

Seniors with Grace gathered yesterday for our monthly Community Day. Seniors come together every 4th Thursday of the month from 9:30 am – 2 pm. We enjoy a full breakfast, followed by Bible study and a topical presentation. At 12:10 pm, we gather for Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of Grace and then return to the Chapter House dining room for a catered luncheon.

We were blessed to have four delightful guests from the Community Preschool join us for breakfast! Kathy Funaki, Assistant Director/Teacher, brought the four wee ones in tow and helped them pick out yogurt, muffins and cantaloupe to munch on. Kent, one of our engaging seniors, graciously extended an invite to join him for breakfast. Both lively and shy personalities ebbed and flowed while Kent and the preschoolers swapped stories.

We featured our very own the Rev. Mary Carter Greene as our guest speaker with the Rev. Doe Yates, Deacon, facilitating questions. The Rev. Mary Carter shared a
little bit about herself, her journey to priesthood and her role leading our Children, Youth and Family Ministry here at Grace Cathedral. One of her stories involved her experience in Cappadocia, Turkey in which she descended eight stories underground into the tufta rock to see a subterranean dwelling in which it is believed early Christians hid to escape from persecution.
George, another one of our regulars, introduced his companion service dog, Athina. She felt shy about taking a photo at first.

Students from the Cathedral School for Boys shared their time with us and packaged grocery bags for our seniors to take home while the rest of the group enjoyed an amazing lunch prepped by our wonderful Seniors with Grace chefs, Gail and Arleen. Lunch included fresh greens topped with almonds, strawberries and tangerines; roasted asparagus and baby potatoes; roasted ham garnished with dried cherries and fresh bread and butter served by our awesome seniors and volunteers, Rob.

All in all, we had a beautiful Seniors with Grace Community Day and we look forward to gathering again in May!

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